Stop Poisoning Our Pets!

About three months ago my 10-year-old cocker spaniel, Blaze, was diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma, an aggressive cancer that shockingly effects 1 in every 5 dogs. This cancer, as well as other canine and feline cancers, is closely linked to diet; more specifically the common commercial dog and cat foods and treats we see on the shelves today, even the ones branded as "healthy" or "high quality".

Pets are family and should be fed as such, yet the less than satisfactory quality assurance standards are allowing animal by-products, meat meal, corn, wheat, rice flour, toxic checmicals, and harmful preservatives into the foods that are advertised as healthy and nesessary for a healthy pet. Unhealthy and harmful pet foods are imported to thousands of pet stores around Canada, where families are forced to choose between one low-quality brand after another to feed to their beloved family pets. Enough is enough, this needs to be changed and commercial pet foods, which may be the only option for many families, need to be healthy and actually keep our furry family healthy!

The Government of Canada and The Pet Food Association of Canada need to work towards strengthening the quality of commercial pet food; this means no more by-products and harmful toxins, no more fillers and disgusting chemicals, no more low-quality foods imported that are filled with toxins, and no more false advertising on these products that suggest they are heathy when they are not. We need to stop this problem one country at a time.

Please sign to support honest, safe, and healthy food for our furry little family.

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