Help us rescue stray dogs and stop dog fighting

We are organization that fights against animal cruelty in Slovenia, specially against dog fighting. We are a part of global Anti dog fighting campaign. Many times we do cooperate with activists from Serbia for saving many lives of dogs seized from dog fighting and also other stray dogs.

The streets of Serbia are inundated with abandoned dogs and cats. We witness brutal scenes of animal abuse almost every day: stray dogs and cats are poisoned, burned, cut, slaughtered, shot, beaten by individuals who are not punished for their crimes against animals. Serbian Animal Welfare Law (Article 66) says that local authorities must provide shelters with standard life conditions (Article 61). Smederevo pound was a specific case - dogs were left alone without food and they were killing and eating each other.
Serbian society is tolerant to the abusing of animals that must be recognized as socially deviant behavior that leads to interpersonal violence. Citizens of all age groups must be educated about the respect and care for animals. The reason for society behavior may lie in behavior of many officials that don’t care about laws, and certainly not about animals. Many of them still promote killing as the only way to resolve the problem.

Our organization rescue stray animals, treat them, neuter, find new homes for them investing their time, energy and own money, without any help from the local authorities or the state. In past few years we have rescued many stray animals and dogs witch were included in dog that have been involved in dogfighting. They were all in bad shape so we had to pay for the veterinarian. The problem is also that dogs chipped on the name of the citizen who abandoned them also can’t be adopted, because the person willing to adopt the dog firstly has to find the original owner and get a confirmation from that person that he denies the dog. The problem is the fact that the owner who has abandoned the dog cannot be found, due to the fact that Zoo hygiene will not give the information about the previous owner, and vets are not allowed to give any information or to contact the previous owner. And the last, but not the least important thing we have to do is to find new owner for our dog, who has to be kind, love giving and experienced.

The number of dogs that we are trying to rescue is higher and higher. Through the years we have sacrifice our free time and money for rescuing all these animals, but now we need your help to cover the costs of the transport across border and the costs of the veterinarians. We are begging You to help us, because our animals deserve to have a normal and happy life.
You can follow us on our official Facebook site: ustavimopasjeborbe.

You can voluntary send us money on this bank account: SI56 0510 0801 4052 479 or using Paypal:
Every day in week you can contact us on a phone number +386 40 809 107.

We thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Organization PIT.
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