Stop the sale of dogs in the pet shop Zoo Zajac

  • av: Svenja Go
  • mottagare: Katja Banaszak, Jutta Zajac, Norbert Zajac
Zoo Zajac is a huge pet shop in Germany.

There were some demonstrations but have unfortunately let the managers are not impressed by it.

Zoo Zajac is in a position to offer more than 1,000 dogs a year (and cats).

It can be offered up to nine drafts.

The cats have to stay there for 4 days! (almost as in dogs) what happens after the four days with the animals no one really knows.

You can then go to the store, choose a dog and easy to take.
The new owners are not controlled.

The animal homes here are full of dogs and cats.

Some animal homes may even no longer accept cats due to overcrowding and a pet shop but may sell such animals.

Please sign this petition and share!

The sale must be stopped!
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