Stand Against the Kangaroo Cull!

  • av: Chris Wolverton
  • mottagare: Parks and Conservation Service Director Daniel Iglesias

Since late May 2012, trained marksmen have been killing eastern grey kangaroos in nine parks near Canberra, Australia as part of an authorized cull. The government claims that the animals threaten the biodiversity of nature reserves, and plan to have 2,000 kangaroos killed by the end of the year at a cost of Aus$200,000 (US$192,000).

Markmen kill kangaroos with shots to the back of their heads, using high-powered rifles. The kangaroo population has been building since the decline of natural predators such as dingos and Tasmanian tigers, but shooting animals is a cruel solution to the problem. Instead, authorities should focus on a vaccination plan to prevent kangaroos from overbreeding. Please sign the petition to stand against the Australian kangaroo cull.

Dear Daniel Iglesias,

We, the undersigned, are writing to express our objection with the planned kangaroo cull near Canberra, Australia. While we understand that kangaroo populations have grown in the absence of natural predators, we believe that the current control method -- shooting the animals in the back of the head -- is cruel and unnecessary.

Please reconsider your plans to kill 2,000 kangaroos and focus on ways to control the population through non-lethal methods such as sterilization. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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