Boycott Jaburg Wilk Attorney Arrested for Molestation

David Gingras, attorney, Phoenix, Arizona, Jaburg Wilk, represents and was arrested for molesting a minor but due to a technicality had his case dismissed. David Gingras could not seal the record since proof he was innocent of the crimes. The child passed a polygraph (lie detector), and judge found probable cause for the arrest in court. Jaburg Wilk, a Phoenix Arizona law firm, hired David Gingras and believe a law firm who has a family law practice should not allow a person who has molested a minor before to remain around children. This is a significant public concern. I believe signing the petition should send a clear message to the public, law firms, and the Arizona State Bar, molesting chidren is utterly disgusting and employing someone who has such a history and allowing contact with minors due to having a family law practice is unacceptable. 

Dear Signer, 

David Gingras, attorney, was arrested for molesting a minor and hired by Jaburg Wilk, in Arizona, see 

Petitioner, Darren Chaker thanks each person who signs this petition and hope the moral and legal issues of child molestation remain important societal interests. 

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