Stop unfair pitbull laws in Ohio!

To take your pitbull on a walk you must put a muzzle on them! And use a chain! They aren allowed in PUBLIC PARKS!! I used to own a pitbull named Mugzee and a blue pitbull named Stony AND a rotweiller named Pudge. Mugzee was murdered (neighbors used poison) and so was Stony.  A year later my grandmother GAVE not sold but GAVE Pudge away (Pudge was mine NOT hers) without me knowing. I was raised with Mugzee.  I was 9 years old when he was murdered he was 10.  He was a great dog.  WHY DO SOME PEOPLE THINK THAT PITBULLS CANT BE TRUSTED!!! they are mucho grande better than those small purse things they call dogs!  A pitbull is loyal! trusting! and will protect the owner at the sake of their own life! Pitbulls are a loving breed! Its just the idiot owners that think any large dog is meant to fight! so they go and risk getting the dog killed! but then when the dog is not killed in the fight the owner thinks that they can earn mucho grande money and puts them in more and more so thats the only love theyve ever seen is when they win a fight so they fight other dogs HOPING to get love from their owners but instead they get locked up!

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