Grand Theft Auto V Promotes Violence to Animals

Good parents tell their children not to hurt animals. So why has Rockstar Games published a new version of Grand Theft Auto that promotes running over and beheading animals and other acts of pointless cruelty?

The animals rights group, In Defense of Animals, has rightly called a boycott of Grand Theft Auto V because it basically paints a target on the backs of all animals, both virtual and live. Let's face it: It is way too easy for somebody who runs over a helpless kitten in a game to do the same thing in real life. And there is some evidence that people who can't get their hands on a copy of the game are targeting animals in the real world for violence.

Grand Theft Auto is one of the most popular video games of all time. It's time for its publisher to take some ethical responsiblity for its content. Tell Rockstar Games not to promote violence to animals in its games!

We the undersigned are appalled at the violence in Grand Theft Auto V, much of which is directed at animals.

It is far too easy for gaming violence to cross over to real world violence--when the target is helpless to defend itself. Gaming violence against humans can not easily be duplicated in real life because of laws and social pressures that prevent such cruelty. The same, lamentably, cannot be said for animals.

You appear to have placed profit above ethics. We appeal to you to eliminate violence against animals from your games.

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