Justice for Max the Dog - Shot by Police in Hawthorne, CA

  • av: Heather Shafer
  • mottagare: Jackie Lacey, District Attorney, Los Angeles County, California; Debbie Knaan, Animal Cruelty Coordinator, Office of the District Attorney, Los Angeles County, California

A viral video uploaded on June 30th, 2013 shows a Hawthorne, California police officer fatally shooting a Rottweiler named Max as he ran away. The dog's owner, Leon Rosby, was being arrested after video-recording a standoff between police and armed robbers. Rosby had been walking his dog at the time of the standoff. As he was arrested, Rosby put Max in his car. When the police handcuffed Rosby, Max jumped out of the window to defend his owner. The police shot the dog four times. The video shows Max writhing and whimpering on the ground before he died.

Police have a bad habit of thoughtlessly shooting dogs, especially during drug raids. Another bad police habit is arresting and beating citizens who record police actions. This violates freedom of the press as guaranteed in the First Amendment. It is unjust and cruel how Max was killed without the officer thinking twice.

Please sign this petition if you want to bring justice for Max and teach police officers that they are public servants, NOT our masters.

Dear Ms. District Attorney, Like many others, we were appalled by the apparently careless and brutal shooting of a beloved pet. Please investigate this very unfortunate incident. We have given police officers the right to use deadly force, but they need to answer to us when they use it. This is a core principle of democracy. We thank you for giving this matter the attention which it deserves.

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