Remove "Bamazon" Now!

  • av: Molly Brown
  • mottagare: Michael Feeney: Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications A+E Networks

Gold Mining as depicted in "Bamazon" contributes to deforestation,  resulting in annual deforestation of 6,100 km21 in Brazil alone. Small scale mining operations as seen on "Bamazon" contribute the most to deforestation. [WWF]

Gold mining contributes to pollution, especially the introduction of mercury into local waters. Other materials like cyanide used in mining can also contaminate the soil and water. Guyana (where the show "Bamazon" takes place) experienced a cyanide spill during a mining operation in 1995 in which one billion gallons of cyanide tainted waste water devestated the local ecosystem, [Mongabay]

Even if new flora is introduced to a mined region to combat environmental damage, the loss of habitat during mining due to cheap and brutal practices is enough to make an endangered species extinct. 38 species of plants and animals are expected to go extinct from current deforestation alone. []

Tell History Channel and A+E Networks you do not support a show that glorifies the destruction of the Rain-Forest! Please sign this petition to have "Bamazon" removed from the network.

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