NO MORE Facebook Pages Glorifying Animal Abuse and Cruelty

  • av: Kat H.
  • mottagare: Mark Zuckerberg Facebook Inc. Founder & Ceo

Currently it is not against Facebook's rules of conduct to create a page depicting animal cruelty and violence which results in a conflict of interest for animal lovers and activists or the many who are just sensitive to animals.  Moreover, it is irresponsible to allow anyone to create and promote a page glorifying endangerment of a speices such as wolves, tigers or pandas.  Nobody should be able to stumble across a decapitated wolf and laughing hunters.  I would like to ask Facebook to do away with cruel and sometimes graphically disturbing pages such as these.  

This should include:

  • Any page promoting or glamorizing the killing and or torture of animals,pets, and endangered species
  • Crush videos
  • Any violent acts of cruelty
  • Promotion of killing an animal unlawfully
  • Pictures of animals trapped or dead (such as in snare or spring traps)
  • Poached goods such as ivory or horns
  • Any picture or video exploiting an animal for it's fur/skin (illegally obtained or otherwise).
  • The promotion of culls involving torture or mass killings
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