Demand Responsible Development: Ensure Parking and Traffic Solutions

  • av: KJ Activist
  • mottagare: Residents in the Village of Kiryas Joel

To: Village Administrator, Board of Trustees, and Building Department of Kiryas Joel, Orange County, NY

We, the undersigned residents and business owners of Kiryas Joel, urge you to take immediate action to address the unlawful construction of the community center at 5 Garfield Rd, in the heart of our village's shopping and business district, without adequate parking and traffic provisions.

This project poses a significant threat to our village's public safety, traffic flow, and quality of life. We request that you:

1. Halt the construction at 5 Garfield Rd. until the congregation provides a comprehensive plan addressing parking and traffic needs.
2. Enforce village zoning laws and regulations to ensure compliance.
3. Conduct a thorough impact study to assess potential effects on traffic, safety, and the community.

We believe that:

- The lack of parking and traffic planning will lead to congestion, accidents, and safety hazards.
- Local businesses will suffer from the parking shortage created by the congregates and thereby be less accessible.
- The village's inaction sets a dangerous precedent, allowing developers to disregard regulations.
- It is your responsibility to protect the interests of all residents, regardless of political affiliations.

We demand that you prioritize our community's well-being and take prompt action to address this issue.


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