A Global Alliance for a World Water Law ~ This petition serves as a platform for facilitating a global consensus and citizen-led action towards an internationally binding agreement to protect and restore all Waters and the Water cycle. Water is the source, sustenance and  unifier of all Life, and the primary medicine for our time. May we rise together, as One Humanity, for Water and for All of Life.

The escalating social, health and environmental crises are a stark wake-up call for all of humanity to act on our shared needs and priorities:
~ our personal health
~ healthy, supportive and resilient families and local communities
~ local access to our basic necessities
~ a healthy world for ourselves, our children, and for all of Life

The most efficient and holistic strategy for restoring both human and environmental health is to prioritize the healing of our planetary Waters — the foundation of health, and the source and sustenance of all Life on Earth. As humanity evolves to recognize the essential Rights of Nature, we are now called to stand for the Right of Water to be protected and restored to its original pristine nature.

Proposal for a World Water Law

We, citizens of Earth, call for and commit to working together to ensure that a binding international law is put in place for the immediate and universal protection of all Water, as the first vital step towards global cooperation for effective, worldwide social and ecological healing.

The World Water Law requires:

~ the uncompromising protection and restoration of all natural water sources, watersheds, aquifers, rivers, lakes, wetlands, estuaries and oceans
~ the rewilding of ecosystems, necessary for the restoration of the planetary water-cycle
~ the guaranteed, free access of all humans and animals to natural, uncontaminated Water

The World Water Law holds all governments, corporations, communities, and individuals, fully accountable for their impact on all waters everywhere.

This one Law serves as a unifying foundation for all governments and citizens to work together with community-led wisdom and stewardship councils in ways that effectively serve the health and vitality of the whole.

This global initiative honors the many Water Guardians around the world who have dedicated their lives to the protection and reverence of Water on behalf of all of Life.

The World Water Law is the first global initiative towards the implementation of Codes for a Healthy Earth

To join the Global Alliance a the World Water Law and get involved please visit:

Uppdatera #13 år sedan

The World Water Law activates an exponential whole-system healing response that addresses many of the root causes of our escalating global challenges.

You can watch the NEW VIDEO here: https://youtu.be/IhNk9u2bfeg

To join the Global Alliance for a World Water Law and get involved, please visit: worldwatercommunity.com/global-alliance

Together We Rise for Water!
Together We Rise for All of Life!
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