NO ANIMALS ON CRAIGSLIST!! Man beat to death and dumped in trash dog he got on Craigslist.

The indiscriminate and irresponsible trade of animals on Craigslist MUST STOP!!

This Tuesday, Alachua County Sheriff’s Office arrested Timothy Okogbaa for beating his female pit bull to death. Okogbaa admitted that he had flown into a rage after the dog bit his hand; he admitted to "patting the dog’s stomach a little too roughly."  

I would like to have been a fly on the wall looking at that. No pictures of his hand have been provided. 

Okogbaa stated that he slapped  and punched her all over her body and then choked her until she stopped breathing - when the dog was dead he tied her up with a shoelace and stuffed her into a trash can in a room of his apartment.

The authorities were tipped off to the crime when the smell of her decomposing body filled the apartment complex.

The deceased dog had been acquired by Okogbaa through Craigslist.

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