Gallia County MURDERS Pets--"STOP Animal Cruelty"

  • av: Melissa Casey
  • mottagare: Governor John Kasich Riffe Center, 30th Floor 77 South High Street Columbus, OH 43215-6117 Phone: (614) 466-3555

*****URGENT*******STOP the MURDER and Animal Cruelty of the innocent & voiceless pets of Gallia County.

Jason Harris, Asst Warden was found NOT guilty & ordered to pay a $25.00 fine, dismissed 1 year ago from the Shelter.

Gallia County's Commissioners MUST work pro-actively to ensure that the current pets are treated with respect, humanely, appropriate medical care, exercised, play-group for socialization, basis obedience training and pulled by confirmed rescues (and not fake ones) and most importantly find their forever homes.

Ohio State Animal Laws must be changed to stop animal cruelty.

Was the City Solicator prepared when representing the State of Ohio and the voice of the innocent murdered 11 dogs, as known as the Valentine Day Murders?  2/11/2014.

****STOP "This animal abuse should NOT be tolerated"

Governor John Kasich 
Riffe Center, 30th Floor 
77 South High Street 
Columbus, OH 43215-6117
Phone: (614) 466-3555

Subject:  Gallia County Animal---Murder of Innocent Dogs & Animal Cruelty"

On March 14, 2014, Adam R. Salisbury, Gallipolis City Solicitor, filed charges against former Gallia county dog warden Jean A. Daniels, current Gallia dog warden Paul L. Simmers, and assistant Gallia dog warden Jason Harris. All three individuals were charged with multiple counts of animal cruelty for allegedly inhumanely euthanizing dogs at the county shelter.

According to Landon, "The Ohio SPCA will continue to communicate with Gallia County officials and request that those charged with these deliberate acts of animal cruelty are punished to the fullest extent of the law." Anyone having information about inhumane practices at county animal shelters should contact the Ohio SPCA at 740-420-2984 or by email:

Ohio SPCA is also investigating discrepancies in record keeping regarding the euthanasia drugs, procurement by those other than the responsible party of record, the euthanasia procedure, inventories, and whether the Limited Terminal Distributor Class III license was properly renewed.

Ohio SPCA Director Teresa Landon states, "At this point in our investigation, we believe these dogs suffered a horrifying and painful death. A past witness to the procedure has stated that the dogs are pinned against a wall with a wire gate and then a needle with the fatal solution is jabbed into the chest. No sedation was ever used and many times dogs were stabbed with a needle more than once. Dogs would often stagger about the room for up to 30 minutes until they died."

We are asking you to take ACTION now!

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