Demand we all have a fair chance as we were told for free textbooks!

In orientation training months ago, Harry, the VCU Barnes & Noble manager, told us all of our names would be in a raffle and two names we randomly picked out to receive free textbooks.

After this was told to our entire group at training, Lauren has decided to take a new approach upon herself. She said "they are just providing the textbooks, I will choose how they are distributed." Now, random textbook selection will not be randomized as we were told.

I need 3/4 of the new student orientation leader team to sign this petition.We were told we would all have an equal chance at receiving free textbooks for this upcoming semester. And we demand that that promises followed through with accordingly as advertised. After all of her hard work this summer, we deserve a truth to be followed through with. And I know that we could all use free textbooks for this semester with how diligent we all are during the school year. Harry saw as equals that deserve an equal, fair chance for the opportunity of free textbooks. And we are. So we should be treated as so. Sign this petition to demand the randomized raffle for all 40 of new student orientation leaders to get free textbooks from Barnes & Noble.

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