Demand an End to Dog Torture in South Korea

Dogs every day are being tortured in South Korea, due to an outrageous belief that tortured dog meat tastes better than regular dog meat, or has health benefits. We can't be hypocrites and say that dog meat is worse than eating cow meat, but it's the torture that's the problem.
Dogs in slaughterhouses are burned, beaten, dismembered, strangled, electrocuted, and hanged, mostly while they are still alive. These dogs are tortured for their meat, which is relatively popular in South Korea and other Asian countries. Many restaurants serve this meat; South Korea has an anti-animal abuse registry, but these laws were never properly enforced. Dog meat restaurants are not allowed to advertise on main streets or in English, but these don't get shut down. Many officials are either reluctant or indifferent on the matter and don't see it as a problem. Change the view of South Koreans and Asians everywhere and show them that tortured dog meat is wrong!
Your signature can help change the lives of millions of dogs. International pressure is the only way to spread awareness and stop animal abuse in South Korea once and for all.

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