Retain Pound Buddies Animal Shelter & Adoption Center, a Non-profit

  • av: Karen Thomson
  • mottagare: Muskegon County Board of Commissioners

We would like to ask the Muskegon County Board of Commissioners to consider retaining the Non-Profit Group Pound Buddies. As concerned citizens, we feel they play an important role in maintaining our high level of standards for animal welfare in Muskegon County. Below are some of the highlights, we as citizens, would like to point out. They have done an outstanding job of taking care of the abused, lost and abandoned animals for Muskegon County. Here are just a few accomplishments to please consider:

*Reduced euthanasia rate by more than 80%.
*Went from zero dog let-outs (to relieve themselves) to a minimum of 4 let-outs per day.
*Wrote and received $150K in grants for spay and neuter.
*Provide medical care for sick and injured animals. They are never left to suffer.
*Many shelter improvements including added A/C to previously unvented wards.
*Added a cat room and are not contracted to take in cats.
*Takes in 1,600 dogs and 900 cats per year.
*No lavish salaries, just minimum wage, and all part time employees with no benefits. Executive Director salary is done by a separate fundraising campaign.

The County contract only covers 30 percent of Pound Buddies operating costs. The rest is done through fundraising and donations.

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