Keep OCCC Aquatic Center from closing down

  • av: Kirsten Howell
  • mottagare: Robert D. Lawler, CEO, Chesapeake Energy
UPDATE: We've decided the best way to keep this pool open is to ask Chesapeake Energy, a Fortune 500 company, to donate money to keep the pool open. Chesapeake Energy is the 9th largest employer in Oklahoma City. Let's ask them to contribute to the community even further by helping to keep this pool open! Please sign the petition to ask Chesapeake Energy to make a donation to keep the pool open. ---------------

My name is Kirsten Howell. I have been working at the OCCC Aquatic Center for a year and a half now. Oklahoma City Community College is known for having an Olympic-sized pool, but it may soon be closed for good.

The Aquatic Center is a second home for many swimmers and they would be devastated if it were to close down forever. We host so many swim meets and many people have broken records there. This place has too much history to be taken down and we need to stop it.

Please sign this petition to keep the pool open!

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