Avoid Walmart when Workers Walkout on Black Friday !

 Walmart, America's largest employer is at it again! 
Last year, Walmart  started  it's  huge "Black Friday" sale at 10pm on Thanksgiving night. This  allowed  workers time to enjoy a nice Thanksgiving meal, relax  with family, and then have time to clean up  and get to  work by 10pm. Thanksgiving is the last day of rest before the hectic  holiday season. But last minute orders by greedy Walmart Executives now demand employees be at work two hours earlier by 8pm this year. No ifs, ands, or buts, executives have told workers.

To protest,  a large number of workers are planning a walkout on Black Friday. These brave employees are saying " We are mad as hell and we are not going to take it anymore".  This  action comes at a big risk to those who walkout, but they feel it is neccessary to speak up for the countless others who don't walk for fear of losing their jobs. Walmart has a long history of dismissing employees rights, doing as they please and not giving a dam about their employees. 

Please support the "Black Friday"walkout by avoiding your local Walmart and sign this petition and tell Walmart  that people  care about workers rights.

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