Stop DCBS From Taking Our Children!!!
I have had my children taken from me and then separated from one another. I've had my newborn taken while still in the hospital after just giving birth then hidden from me for weeks at a time. I have been forced to sign prevention plans, then still had my children taken away! I have had my children taken for being enrolled in a substance abuse program and then forced to remain in a program in order to get them back; which still has not happened. I've had the most important times for bonding with my children destroyed by DCBS by not allowing me to be with them after birth for false claims of neglect.
We need to stop DCBS from taking our children and keeping them away all so they can obtain more government funding. DCBS receives over $25,000 for every child that gets adopted through their foster care program! No matter if the parents chose to adopt their children out or not! I've seen people with extreme drug abuse problems be allowed to keep their children while parents with no addiction problems at all have their children removed and sent to foster care all because of one social workers personal opinion.
The DCBS claims their goal is to reunite families, but my family has been ripped apart since 2018 and I've not met one single social worker even remotely willing to help reunite us.
Please help keep other families and new mothers from going through such trumatic and undeserving torture inflicted by DCBS.
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