Tell Wheaties to put transgender athlete Chris Mosier on their box!

For decades, the iconic American breakfast cereal ​Wheaties​ has honored the nation's athletes by putting them front and center on their box. For many, the spot on the front of the Wheaties box is a way of acknowledging and honoring some of the best of the best in sports and competition. Perhaps the most iconic athlete to be formerly featured on the Wheaties box is transgender activist and Olympic gold medalist Caitlyn Jenner, prior to her transition.

In 2016, it's time to honor a new generation of athletes. Team USA member, Chris Mosier made history when he became the first open transgender member to join a U.S national team. Mosier helped promote positive body image, and trans pride, as the first trans athlete to pose for the ESPN Body Issue. Despite the multitude of obstacles he faced, Mosier succeeded in becoming a world class triathlete, and paved the way for other transgender athletes to do the same. 

An awesome way to acknowledge his presence and honor his contributions to Team USA would be to put him front and center on the Wheaties box. What better way is there to show aspiring young athletes that anyone can be a champion?

Sign the petition today and tell Wheaties - it's time to put a transgender athlete on the box.

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