Stop Dog Fighting in Beijing!

A recent Beijing News investigative report revealed that Pit Bull fighting is becoming big business in the city, with up to three fights being held per day in a syndicated underground ring. Each event attracts dozens of gamblers, who wage anywhere from $150 to $3,000 per fight.

Dogs lose the fights when they become mortally wounded or gives up fighting after 20 seconds have passed. The fighting dogs are typically bought from local markets and are considered completely disposable. Some owners drug their dogs to make them immune to pain, or to make them fight again after an injury.

Subjecting Pit Bulls to druggings and blood fights is completely unconscionable. Please sign the petition to convince Beijing Authorities to place a complete ban on dog fighting.

To: Beijing Authorities

A recent Beijing News investigative report revealed that Pit Bull fighting is becoming big business in the city, with up to three fights being held per day in a syndicated underground ring. Each event attracts dozens of gamblers, who wage anywhere from $150 to $3,000 per fight.

Dogs lose the fights when they become mortally wounded or gives up fighting after 20 seconds have passed. The fighting dogs are typically bought from local markets and are considered completely disposable. Some owners drug their dogs to make them immune to pain, or to make them fight again after an injury.

We believe it is completely unconscionable to subject Pit Bulls to druggings and blood fights. We respectfully urge you to enact and enforce a complete ban on dog fighting in Beijing.

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