Don't Let Mining Companies Take Northern Europe's Last Wilderness!

The international mining industry is threatening vast stretches of wilderness in northern Finland, Sweden and Norway. Miners plan to search Northern Europe's last remaining pristine land for uranium, iron ore, nickel, phosphorous and rare earth minerals.

Pollution and damage caused by these mining projects will threaten the area's lakes, rivers and mountains, and the animals who dwell there, including the lynx, wolf, bear and wolverine. Lapland's and Sami's indiginous communities -- who live by reindeer herding and fishing -- will also be harmed. 

According to Finnish biochemist Jari Natunen, "Lapland has a very vulnerable Arctic nature. Mining will cause damage which would last at least thousands of years or not fixed at least until next ice age." Though the European Union's pollution laws govern mining, the government's supervison is lax because of close ties between industry and authority.

Please sign the petition to urge the European Union to stop these mining projects before it's too late!

As you know, the international mining industry is threatening vast stretches of wilderness in northern Finland, Sweden and Norway. Miners plan to search Northern Europe's last remaining pristine land for uranium, iron ore, nickel, phosphorous and rare earth minerals.

There's no doubt that pollution and damage caused by these mining projects will threaten the area's lakes, rivers and mountains, and the animals who dwell there, including the lynx, wolf, bear and wolverine. Lapland's and Sami's indiginous communities -- who live by reindeer herding and fishing -- will also be harmed. 

According to Finnish biochemist Jari Natunen, "Lapland has a very vulnerable Arctic nature. Mining will cause damage which would last at least thousands of years or not fixed at least until next ice age." 

We respectfully urge you to put Europe's wilderness, its animals, and its people before financial mining interests. Once the wilderness is gone, it may never recover. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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