Stop FCC Rules that Destroy Net Neutrality!

  • av: Freya H
  • mottagare: US Congress

The FCC just passed Chairman Ajit Pai's Net Neutrality-eradicating, Internet-killing rules on a hyperpartisan vote. The fight is not yet over, though, because Congress can still act.

While Pai and his allies were preparing to gut Net Neutrality, a growing number of members of Congress — egged on by outraged Internet users of all stripes — realized that they needed to speak up.

Congress can reverse recently-passed regulations under the terms of the "Congressional Review Act," or CRA. Given the outcry from Republicans, Democrats, and everyone in between, from all around the country - and the enormous danger Pai's order poses to the Internet and its users — we think it's appropriate for Congress to invoke this tactic.

Therefore, we urge you to use the CRA to squelch Pai's rules and save net neutrality, which is the very heart and soul of the Internet.

Sign and share my petition to Congress to use the Congressional Review Act to perserve Net Neutrality. 

Uppdatera #26 år sedan
I'm sending a copy of this with nearly 40,000 signatures to my Rep to remind him that he needs to vote in favor of Net Neutrality.
Uppdatera #16 år sedan
Sent copies to my Senators, Perdue and Isakson, last week. Meanwhile, I've gotten close to 5000 new signatures, mainly thanks to promotion by an activist group - can't recall which one it was. Now to download the new batch and pass along to my Rep, Barry Loudermilk. Maybe I'll send it to some other Georgia reps as well.
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