On June 20,2018 in Cameron Village of Myrtle Beach SC, a witness came outside of their home and saw multiple men(later confirmed to be from USDA wildlife services) carrying a family of goslings and Canadian geese by their wings and throwing them into a large orange bin to be slowly painfully killed. The witness heard the fear and cries coming out of these birds but it was too late.. They had captured all of the flock that (some) of the residents enjoyed daily seeing swimming in the pond-just a natural part of wildlife. Now Cameron Village residents are Only left with clumps of feathers all over the grass where this sudden and violent capture took place, and left the residents with not one bird left in sight.
The men (pictured above) trespassed on the owners lawn to gather these birds from their safe environment and The HOA of Cameron Village has confirmed they arranged this because of some complaints due to geese droppings. Unfortunately, it is legal with a licensed permit IF it is the Last option after trying the dozen other deterrants first before resorting to killing these animals(Habitat modifications such as small barriers around ponds is just one of the other humane options). The HOA board at Cameron Village, and the USDA , did not follow these guidelines and chose to have them killed, even without informing the community and residents. The USDA is a very profitable business and they kill millions of animals a year for profit, while still using inhumane gas chambers to murder these geese and other animals. Canada geese are intelligent birds who mate for life, fiercely protecting their eggs and young, and display loyalty for other members of their flock. Wildlife Services uses methods to kill geese that are broadly understood to be grossly inhumane. During the hottest months of the year flightless geese and goslings are corralled, packed into turkey crates and transported to slaughterhouses or gas chambers, being gassed with carbon dioxide or if more cost effective for the company, breaking each neck of the geese one by one.. while their flock and goslings watch with no way out or no way to fly and escape. These geese are in molting season, which is when they cannot fly while they replace their lost or frayed feathers with new ones. This occurrs June to mid July; so these geese were not able to escape harm and fly away or relocate/migrate themselves. That is why they stay in one area for a good thirty days or more. ——-Even Residents in Cameron Village are ashamed of their HOA that organized this to occur without even making the community aware nor explain in the bilaws or rules that they will be doing this yearly. Have you noticed less geese in your ponds? Maybe this has happened in your neighborhood also. Reports are coming in about geese suddenly disappearing in other areas in Myrtle Beach - during molting season there really is only one reason why they would disappear, they don't usually travel too far by foot.
Canada Geese are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. Please help end the inhumane and unnecessary deaths of these migratory birds by signing below and sharing. It's time to end the killings that are being hidden from the public eye and it's time to fight for humanely relocating these birds safely- or simply just implementing humane tactics such as removing unnecessary ponds, adding barriers such as a short fencing, rock barrier, shrubs and tall vegetation barrier, suspended grid barriers over and around the ponds, perimeter fencing, which limit their access to the community ponds and remove the water as their attractant; or trying regulated safe chemical formulations for grass areas which makes the grass taste non-palatable or bitter.
Please sign to end this NOW!! There are humane options. These geese were not euthanized-They were slaughtered painfully shortly after being grabbed while flightless from their safe environment they felt safe at while molting. Tell Cameron Village to STOP murdering these innocent animals NOW!! And urge the USDA to follow proper requirements and end their profitable killings of Canadian Geese in South Carolina
The contact for the management company responsible for arranging the killing is First Service Residential and you can urge them to STOP and choose humane ways by contacting them at
https://www.fsresidential.com/south-carolina/contact-us/contact-us or calling them at 1-866-433-3187 or (local) 843-357-9888
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