Stop the killing of pilot whales in Denmark

Human beings have the power to perform heroic and benevolent acts for the good of humanity and all living things, but unfortunately this ability too often twisted and vile charges tinged, bloody and infamous.

Each spring the sea that washes the shores of the Faroe Islands in Denmark, stained with blood by a pure act of savagery and cruelty.

The "boys" of the island are responsible for killing a docile and curious hundred pilot whales (endangered species) that in this time of year are usually close to the coast.

Please sign this petition to urge the government of Denmark to make this brutal tradition to stop, we're in the 21st century such acts and is not civilized.

I send this request to see the disturbing images of the slaughter of pilot whales in Denmark on a tradition in this century has no basis. They become men to kill a dolphin, but it is likely that these guys are not virgins, have drunk alcohol or have any children. Spread the word, so that they know that we disagree that continue destroying the life of an animal by a tradition.

We must evolve.

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