Three Chimpanzees Were Killed When They Escaped Their Enclosures in Sweden

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Gälve Municipal Assembly
Three chimpanzees were murdered at Furuvik, a "wildlife park" just outside of Gälve, Sweden.

When five chimps escaped from their enclosure, the park claimed that park staff had to "euthanize" three of them to "protect lives." Clearly these enclosures do not keep animals safely contained and the staff are not equipped to keep them alive in case of emergency.

We cannot allow this so-called amusement and wildlife park to operate any longer! Sign now to demand the Gälve municipal assembly shut down this zoo for good before any more animals are harmed!

Furuvik, like any other zoo, exists to entertain human beings. It is no surprise, then, that the chimpanzees were so desperate to get out of their captive enclosures. Zoos offer a fraction of the room that a sanctuary or their natural habitat would.

Three animals who could have lived vibrant lives are now dead because of Furuvik's ineptitude. Clearly this park is not equipped to protect the animals that they hold captive or the people who visit.

Gälve municipal assembly must shut down this "wildlife park" for good to ensure no more animals suffer or die in these conditions! Sign the petition now if you agree!
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