State Farm Does Not Act in Good Faith

My horse was hit by a vehicle while I was riding him at a horse friendly state park. I believe the driver was texting as he went off the road into the sand where we were and hit us from the behind. Based on several witness he was at fault. Sadly, my horse was injured in both hind legs. His insurance company, State Farm has made my life living hell. They have refused to pay several medical bills and at one point told me the value of his care is based on the value of the horse. Had he been a rescue, they would have only paid enough to put him down. When I asked them about the statute of limitations they told me 3 years. They never once in our numerous calls told me the statute for bodily injures for a human was 2 years. Fast forwarding, I was forced to file a lawsuit. My horse has permanent damage and will require ongoing medical for the rest of his life which is about 20 more years. State Farm apparently does not recognize emotional trauma only bodily injuries to humans. They treat my horse like a vehicle and offered me $20,000.00 replacement cost. Based on the care over the next 20 years I will have to pay $33,180.00 to treat my beautiful boy. State Farm man up and take responsibility for your insured. Show some compassion. This is a live animal not a vehicle. As for me, you record all conversations. When I asked about the statute of limitations they only told me 3 years for the horse. Since I did not fall off when hit, they feel they had no obligation to tell me the statute for me it is only 2 years.

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