Convert high kill animal shelters into no-kill shelters!

  • av: Maria Smith
  • mottagare: Devore Animal shelter, Clarke County Animal control, Carroll County Pound, Hartford Animal shelter, Greenville County Animal Care Services, Fulton County Animal Services, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Animal Care & Control, Augusta Animal servic

The animal shelters that are getting this petition are high kill shelters and kill more than 50% of the animals that they get. Each year, between 3-4 million dogs and cats are put to sleep in shelters across the United States

There are shelters that still use the gas chamber as a form of euthanasia. The horrific gas execution can last up to 40 minutes and sometimes needs to be repeated. Many dogs are only at the shelter for 24-48 hours before they are killed.

The majority of the animals that are killed are due to lack of space, being too skinny or having a shy character. Please sign this to stop the killing of innocent animals!

Thank you so much for signing my petition! I would appreciate it if you could share this petition with your friends and family so we can send it to high kill shelters all over the United States to make them stop killing their innocent animals! With your help, we can save millions of animals' lives!


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