Sanctions on Syria are Slowing Earthquake Relief Efforts

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: U.S. and E.U. governments

The devastating earthquake that struck in early February has killed more than 11,600 people in Turkey and Syria. Amid a race to provide emergency relief and find survivors, getting international aid to Syria has been considerably difficult thanks to sanctions by the United States and European countries. Currently, the only way to get aid into Syria is through Turkey, and that has become a serious obstacle since the earthquake.

Sign the petition to urge the U.S. and E.U. to temporarily lift their sanctions on Syria to deliver foreign emergency aid!

With relief efforts in full-swing, the international community has rallied to send emergency aid and medical response teams. While this was quickly done for Turkey, sending help to Syria has political and logistical challenges.

Syria has faced relief hurdles for years due to its ongoing civil war, and U.S. and E.U. sanctions have been in place since it started in 2011.

"There is no fuel even to send (aid and rescue) convoys, and this is because of the blockade and sanctions," said a relief group leader.

It's simple: bureaucracy shouldn't cost lives.

Sign the petition to urge the U.S. and E.U. to temporarily lift their sanctions on Syria to properly deliver foreign emergency aid!

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