Find the Alpaca Killer of Queensland

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Stanthorpe Police, Queensland
Seven months ago, in Queensland, Australia, someone walked out onto a rural property with a gun and shot seven defenseless alpacas dead. For more than half a year, residents wondered why, and law enforcement searched for answers. But fortunately, no other animal killings occurred. That is, until now.

Earlier this month, another person fell victim to the alpaca killer. Less than 10 miles away from the original killings, the owner walked out onto his property and found five of his alpacas shot dead in their paddock and still another one critically injured.

Now neighbors are horrified that the criminal will come back and harm their animals, or worse.

The people that commit these crimes pose a threat not only to our animals and wildlife but also to society itself and they must be caught and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Currently, officials are looking for the people responsible for the alpacas' deaths but it is important to make sure they don't give up the search.

Please sign the petition and tell Stanthorpe Police that you are behind their search for the alpaca murderers one hundred percent.
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