Block Swedish Eskilstuna Parken Zoo -Death chambers for globally recognized endangered species.

  • av: Saidimu Ole Ngais
  • mottagare: Global governments,African Union, Swedish government, wildlife authorities,human species
Swedish Eskilstuna Parken Zoo -Death chambers for globally recognized endangered species.
To the government of African Union (AU), Kenya wildlife service, Government of Kenya and to the global human species, Kala fakta channel of Swedish TV4 revealed last night that Parken Zoo has sadistically exterminated the endangered species that some host countries allowed them to migrate for purposes of creating a species genetic bank. 

What was supposed to be a species bank is now a frozen container of dead bodies from systematically destroyed Parken Zoo globally recognized endangered wildlife. Asking the Management where the animals were, Helena Ohlsson lied that they died of natural cause while in deed Parken Zoo sanctioned them to be exterminated to create space for more endangered wildlife.

Will you allow Sweden to steal and massacre your endangered wildlife again? But before that question, the world must demands a legal explanation from the Swedish government on why Parken Zoo has become a death chambers for our globally recognized endangered wildlife. These are our natural global assets of which we are all entitled to protect against internal and external destruction. The endangered species cannot speak for themselves! You have their voice therefore you must speak for them, if not for any other reason, but for your children to inherit such rare assets.

A number of workers refused to go back to work with Parken Zoo after discovering what the management was doing to the endangered wildlife. 

The TV4 channel kalla fakta interviewed on of the Parken Zoo's general manager who clearly lied and misled everybody from the truth about the suffering of the endangered species. 

Sweden's Parken Zoo must be put legally held responsible for what the sadistic management they run in Parken Zoo. 

Helena Ohlsson was aware that she was lying on TV even when she was repeatedly asked if she was telling the truth. Helena has no more moral authority to run Parken Zoo. 

In fact, not only the original host countries must hold Sweden responsible but also by the global human species for destroying our common heritage. Follow Kalla fakta here: Kalla Fakta:
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Swedish Eskilstuna Parken Zoo -Death chambers for globally recognized endangered species.
To the government of African Union (AU), Kenya wildlife service, Government of Kenya and to the global human species, Kala fakta channel of Swedish TV

4 revealed last night that Parken Zoo has sadistically exterminated the endangered species that some host countries allowed them to migrate for purposes of creating a species genetic bank. 

What was supposed to be a species bank is now a frozen container of dead bodies from systematically destroyed Parken Zoo globally recognized endangered wildlife. Asking the Management where the animals were, Helena Ohlsson lied that they died of natural cause while in deed Parken Zoo sanctioned them to be exterminated to create space for more endangered wildlife.

Will you allow Sweden to steal and massacre your endangered wildlife again? But before that question, the world must demands a legal explanation from the Swedish government on why Parken Zoo has become a death chambers for our globally recognized endangered wildlife. These are our natural global assets of which we are all entitled to protect against internal and external destruction. The endangered species cannot speak for themselves! You have their voice therefore you must speak for them, if not for any other reason, but for your children to inherit such rare assets.

A number of workers refused to go back to work with Parken Zoo after discovering what the management was doing to the endangered wildlife. 

The TV4 channel kalla fakta interviewed on of the Parken Zoo's general manager who clearly lied and misled everybody from the truth about the suffering of the endangered species. 

Sweden's Parken Zoo must be put legally held responsible for what the sadistic management they run in Parken Zoo. 

Helena Ohlsson was aware that she was lying on TV even when she was repeatedly asked if she was telling the truth. Helena has no more moral authority to run Parken Zoo. 

In fact, not only the original host countries must hold Sweden responsible but also by the global human species for destroying our common heritage. Follow Kalla fakta here: Kalla Fakta:
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