Release approved inmates of Guantanamo Bay

The number of prisoners being held in Guantanamo Bay despite being cleared for release is appalling and disheartening. This is in direct contention with the American Constitution and values, as well as international law. 

We demand the immediate release of those prisoners deemed no longer a threat. Each moment that they continue to be imprisoned for no crime is another too many. Please end this disgraceful chapter in American history by letting these innocent men return to their lives.

Dear Obama Administration,

The number of prisoners being held in Guantanamo Bay despite being cleared for release is appalling and disheartening. This is in direct contention with the American Constitution and values, as well as international law.

There are 166 detainees currently housed in Guantanamo Bay.
86 have been approved for release.
30 Yemenis are being "conditionally detained" because of an "unstable" homeland.
46 are being detained indefinitely without trial.
Some have been waiting more than 11 years for their release.

We demand the immediate release of those prisoners deemed no longer a threat. Each moment that they continue to be imprisoned for no crime is another too many. Please end this disgraceful chapter in American history by letting these innocent men return to their lives.

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