
  • av: Jane Williams
  • mottagare: President Obama, House of representatives, U.S. Senators

 On July 1, 2013 a horse slaughter plant will open in Roswell, N.M. ( in America ) Horses are not safe for human consumption. The medications that horses are given are toxic for humans. By signing this you are urging law makers to support the S.A.F.E. act that will keep horse meat out of our food supply.
 Horses are treated with extreme cruelty when slaughtered. They are beaten, starved, exposed to extreme temperatures and alot of times dismembered while still awake and aware.
 Thank you for your support.  

Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Please, if you would SHARE one more time. By keeping our equines safe you are keeping our food supply safe. Thank you and many blessings to you.
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