URGENT! Tranquilize, rescue, don't kill French lynx on loose!

In the news today is the report of a large feline on the loose  for two days in Montevrain. It is believed to be a lynx, a cat that is nearly extinct.

Nowhere in the article is it said that police are armed with tranquilizer guns and not real weapons. I thought this petition the best way to reach French officials and to be sure trhe feline is rescued and taken to a sanctuary.  Please sign and pass along. Everyone in France and EU or connected to wildlife rescue, please intervene quickly! 




Uppdatera #210 år sedan
Thank you all for signing! I hoped for 500 before sending signatures on.. There have been no news updates on sightings. I fear that the lynx may have already been shot or retreated deep into the countryside in response to 200 armed officers in chase. Please keep sharing to increase signatures. When the next sighting is made I would like the officials to know that so many people in France and all over the world care that this feline is made safe.
Uppdatera #110 år sedan
NPR report says police are armed with tranquilizer guns. Good news. There are still risks for the animal's life, I expect police also have weapons.

Please sign to say we are watching and send all involved good wishes for everyone 's safety and ask that everything be done to rescue him, or her. I am working on getting a photo that fits.


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