Arrest Steve Bannon for threatening Dr. Fauci and his family!

  • av: OD Action
  • mottagare: Department of Justice

The Trump media machine has been responsible for inciting violence, death threats, and horrifying harrassment against anyone who stands against them — and anyone they choose to designate as a boogeyman for their deranged conspiracy narratives.

Former Trump strategist and top ally Steve Bannon recently proclaimed that President Biden's former chief medical advisor and the man who guided the nation through the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Fauci, will "suffer" and be "hunted" after the midterms.

Lock up Steve Bannon for threatening Dr. Fauci!

"On 8 November, when we destroy the Democratic party as a national political institution and really end the regime, the hunted become the hunters. The whole Fauci family is going to be welcome to the investigations. The entire family," said Bannon on his podcast, the War Room.

We all know by now what happens prominent Trumpworld figures paint targets on the backs of public officials, and Dr. Fauci's life is in danger. The 81-year-old doctor has been forced to hire private security for his family due to violent incitement from people like Bannon, who said in November 2020 that Dr. Fauci's head should be put "on a pike."

We can't allow this kind of dangerous rhetoric to go unpunished.

Arrest Steve Bannon for threatening Dr. Fauci and his family!

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