BC: Stop Dumping Contaminated Soil in Shawnigan Lake

Currently, in BC there is a battle between corporations and local citizens and environmentalists. The fight is over the beautiful Shawnigan Lake where Cobble Hill Holdings (CHH) and South Island Resource Management (SIRM) are dumping contaminated soil on a hill just above the lake, contaminating the lake. The corporations have just landed a major win, where the BC Court of Appeals repealed two injunctions preventing the dumping.

The dumping threatens the drinking water of the 12000 residents of the area and is opposed by local residents, First Nations and environmentalists. The court of appeal overturned the injunctions on dumping because of the corporations right to make money.

Sign today to send a strong message to BC that we value people over profit. By signing today you work at protecting irreplaceably valuable water resources of Shawnigan Lake.

*Photo licensed under CC 2.0

To the honourable Mary Polak, 

As a person who values the inherent necessity of clean water, i strongly oppose the dumping in Shawnigan Lake and urge you to reneg the agreement with Cobble Hill Holdings (CHH) and South Island Resource Management (SIRM) to dump in Shawnigan Lake.

The local residents are strongly opposed to this as are local First Nations. It threatens the drinking water and is an overall environmentally unsound practice. 

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