Save The Javan Rhino From becoming Extinct!

The Javan Rhino is a critically endangered animal, with less than 75 of its species grazing the Earth as of 2016. They are hunted by poachers for their horns, which are used for traditional Chinese medicine and sell for a high price of $30,000 plus per kg. The Javan Rhino can survive up to 45 years in the wild and their main predators are humans.

The reasons I wanted to make this petition is because of how Rhinos contribute to the food chain. Rhinos can increase plant diversity and providing grazing patches for other animals. Also, a Savannah in Africa that most Rhinos are in could look different, if Rhinos disappear from the Earth.

Besides, I would personally hate seeing another animal leave the planet because of neglectant people not thinking of how their consequences could affect a species welfare.

I understand that The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is helping to preserve these animals but in order to save this fast-shrinking species I believe that we need more cooperation from more organizations.

Link to WWF Javan Rhino website:

Signing this petition is saying that you will help a species stay extant.

Uppdatera #18 år sedan
I have contacted some organizations in Indonesia about the Javan Rhino and how it is critically endangered.
In the mean time you can donate here:
or here:
Thank you all for signing my petition!! We all have to work together to stop poachers and to get this animal out of the brink of extinction.
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