Increase penalty-cruelty to or killing of a companion animal-Ohio Senate Bill No. 205

To increase the penalty of cruelty to or killing of a companion animal from a fourth-degree felony to a third-degree felony.

UPDATE ON Ohio SB 205:
S. B. No. 205 133 Increase penalty-cruelty to or killing of companion animal

Primary Sponsors: Senator Hottinger and Senator O'Brien

Stephanie Kunze
Larry Obhof
Michael A. Rulli
Kenny Yuko

Ohio S. B. No. 205 had a fourth hearing at the Ohio Statehouse on September 23, 2020 The bill did not receive a vote or advance out of the Senate Judiciary Committee

The bill has opposition and some lawmakers have concerns. If you want to see penalties increased for egregious acts of animal torture in Ohio. Sign to pledge you will contact your state senator and the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Please politely urge them to support S.B. No. 205.

Contact your Ohio State Senator here:

Contact members of the Ohio Senate Judiciary Committee here:

Full bill summary here:

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