Stop building gas wells in or near our Federal and Provincial Parks

Help protect our National and Provincial Parks from fracking.  Our Federal and Provincial Parks are there for Canadians to enjoy, not to be polluted by Corporations for money while putting some of the most beautiful places and wildlife in Canada at risk.

For example:  The only development pressure affecting Dinosaur Provincial Park is ongoing development of natural gas.  Drilling typically takes four or five days to complete a well.  (Excerpt from Parks Canada Report on the State of Conservation of
Dinosaur Provincial Park). 

This is happening very quickly all over Canada, right under our noses.

Our mountains, lakes, rivers and wild spaces are at risk from fracking, it needs to stop before it is too late.  This is our country, we must leave it clean for our children and their children to enjoy.  Help keep the toxic chemicals out of our environment and sign the petition.

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