End bloody Japanese dolphin massacre

  • av: Alec Hopf
  • mottagare: Mr. Ric o' Barry head of the Dolphin project

Every Year in Japan, during the months of September and March in a small fishing town called Taiji, the sea turns red not because of extreme global warming, but the red blood of innocent dolphins and small whales who have come face to face with a very scary and painful death. Dolphin meat is sold widely throughout Japan, and the aim of this petition is to help end the cruel and gruseome death of dolphins and small cetateans in Japan.

Firstly, here is a very sad story of a bottlenose dolphin (shown in the image above), who also fell victim of this barbaric act. Her pod was frightened by the loud intensive banging of metal pipes and the roaring of the evil boats engine. Through the crazyness and chaos and shear exhaustion of rapid swimming, her pod was jammed into an ocean net near the shore, and that was when her friends and mother and father were all mercilessly slaughtered by being stabbed with long, sharp metal rakes, the sea turned red with their blood. They all screamed and cried but the long, cruel killing went on. Scared to come up and take a breath, she looked for her mom and dad, possibly covered in their blood. She cried with a frightened, broken heart. But, they went after her and killed her. A painful death. The lucky one's were shipped and exploited around the globe for entertainment, to aquariams and so on. They would also live a short life.

Im pretty sure the anecdote above has told the main story. The fisherman government there in Taiji have no mercy for these scared, innocent dolphins and small whales. Big profit it made from this bloodbath and disgusting exploitation. The dolphin meat, believe or not is then sold on the Japanese market as 'whale meat' to consumers. Many japanese people are unaware of what horror story is happening right on thier doorstep. Dolphin meat also contains high levels of poisonous mercury, which is secretly and sadly making many people ill in Japan and causing a-lot of deaths. This is simply inhumane. 

Dolphins are incredibly intlligent creatures. Some have even argued that the dolphin brain might be more intelligent than the human brain? Dolphins can recognise eachothers whistles and sounds and love to play with humans. Dolphins can also feel as much pain as us humans can as well and can even grieve and show their emotions. There have been hundreds of pleas to help stop this inhumane slaughter, but many have been ignored.

Marine scientists and top zoo aquariam professionals are desperately asking for your help to end this slaughter.

I personally have been crying every time I see footage or hear news about this cruel hunt.

So please sign this worthwhile petition to help end this massacre.

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