Tell the media: "Don't let Trump falsely declare victory!"

Donald Trump is reportedly planning on falsely declaring victory early, before any of the networks have called it, the polls have closed, or there's even a shred of evidence to back it up.

The media needs to call out this BS, fact check it as a lie, and do it in real time. Add your name, and tell the media: "Don't let Trump falsely declare victory!"

Trump is doing this so he can later claim the election was stolen, when (fingers crossed) Kamala Harris wins. It's BS, but his cultish supporters will swallow it whole, and spew it all over the internet as "proof."

The media must not be complicit in this. We get that they need to cover Trump, given that he's the Republican nominee, but the second he falsely claims victory, they should cut away from his speech, say this is a lie -- and say it in plainly and directly.

Add your name: Tell the media: "Don't let Trump falsely declare victory!"

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