Stop the needless barbaric slaughet of greyhound dogs in Southern Spain

  • av: Sandy Smith
  • mottagare: Spanish Culteral Minister and the Spanish Government as a whole

Hunters in Southern Spain use greyhound dogs to hunt. After they have finished with them they are saughtered by hanging!  The dogs take a long time before they die and those dogs wich did not prove good hunters, the Spanish hunter needs to dave face, so he hangs the dog with its hind legs just barely touching the floor, so the death is long and painful. 

This inhumane and barbaric slaughter should be stopped immediately - no animal should be left to suffer in this way.  I have seen first hand a greyhound who was hung, but fortunately cut down in time by a passer by, who has kept the dog as a pet.  As you would expect it is extremely nervous.

Greyhounds are gentle by nature - I ask everyone who cares about animals to sign this petition

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