If Trump insists Mar-a-Lago is worth $1.5 Billion, then it should be taxed at that rate

  • av: Left Action
  • mottagare: Dorothy Jacks, Palm Beach County (FL) official

Donald Trump is on trial for fraudulently inflating the value of his assets to get loans. And he continues to insist that his property in Florida, Mar-a-Lago, is worth over $1.5 billion, nearly 100 times the value assessed for tax purposes

Well, if Trump insists the property is worth 100 times as much, then his property taxes should go up 100x as well.

That's exactly what Democratic Congressman Jared Moskowitz from Florida has proposed, and he has asked the Florida official overseeing appraisals to use Trump's figure for tax purposes. We couldn't agree more!

Add your name to show support for this idea and demand Trump's Mar-a-Lago property be taxed according to how much he claims it's worth.

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