Demand that youtube removes cruel video immediatly

A betta confined in a cracked cup noodle container while being burnt alive as a "joke" . Teens laughing as the poor fish struggles , writhing in great agony from the sheer heat and finally dying in pain, all of which was caught on camera. This is simply a horrific display of animal cruelty. As an owner of a betta called Sparky, I am shocked and repulsed by how sadistic these morons are. In fact, THERE IS NO RIGHT IN WHICH ANYTHING THAT IS LIVING SHOULD BE TREATED IN A MANNER LIKE THIS. Please support my petetition in a bid to prevent similar cases of Animal cruelty and bring those involved in the video to justice.

Video that should be removed:

Dear CEO of Youtube,

You have removed many videos that show abuse towards other humans, yet why not bother to remove a video depicting animal cruelty? Is it because you think that we are superior to others? Or is it because you do not regard animal abuse as "cruel"? Millions have flagged this video over a course of more than half a decade, yet why do you ignre it? Please take it down immediately!

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