Tasmania: Protect Macquarie Harbour by Lowering Farmed Salmon Populations

Over 85000 fish suffocated to death in 2015 in Macquerie Harbour, a harbour in Western Tasmania that borders on a World Heritage site, due to overstocking over farmed salmon in the area.

Despite tens of thousands of fish dying and warnings from both industry and the science community, the government of Tasmania continues to increase the amount of fish allowed to be raised in the harbour. This is leading to population collapse in the farmed salmon due to lack of oxygen in the water.

This over-stocking of fish in the area could have catastrophic effects on the ecosystem as well as the World Heritage site that borders on the harbour.

Sign today to demand Tasmania reduces the amount of farmed salmon allowed to be raised in the harbour. By signing today you are helping to protect this precious harbour as well as the adjacent World Heritage site.

To Premier Will Hodgman, 

As someone who cares deeply for the environment I am gravely concerned over your government's blatant disregard for scientific evidence around the over-population of farmed salmon in the Macquerie Harbour. 

In 2015, over 85000 fish suffocated due to low oxygen supply because of over-population. This lowering of oxygen in the area does not just affect the farmed salmon populations but all the native flora and fauna that rely on the oxygen in the water for life. 

Scientists have warned against keeping populations at the current level and yet your government has done nothing. 

This harbour also borders on a World Heritage site which could be in danger if the harbour is, essentially, killed. 

I demand that your government immediately lowers the amount of farmed salmon allowed in the area to ensure that the environment and the industry can stay healthy. 

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