End Killer Whale Tilikum's misery and set him free from SeaWorld!

Tilikum is a 32 year old male Killer Whale living in Orlando, Florida at SeaWorld. He was captured at the young age of 2 years old and taken away from his pod. He lived in misery for 8 years at SeaLand before finally snapping and drowning trainer Keltie Byrne. Tilikum was later sold to SeaWorld Florida and spent another 8 years there before again killing another being. Daniel Dukes snuck in and was killed by the whale after hours. Finally, in 2010 Tilikum yet again killed his trainer Dawn.  He was locked up for 13 months in an 8 foot deep pool in isolation with nothing to keep him stimulated, and no  protection from the sun. In 2011 he was aloud to make one presentation at the end of every show and was then returned to the small tank. It is time to release this beautiful creature and stop his misery for a show.

As you can see, Tilikum has been treated badly and deserves to be free. Wether this will be in the oceans of Iceland or simply in a seapen i do not know and it does not matter. Tilikum is being treated like a piece of meat for simple human entertainment and it isnt right. It's time to free Tilikum!

For those who are telling me that 'i didnt do my research' i understand that wild animals who have lived in captivity will die alone in the wild. However, it is possible to locate them in a SeaPen. A seapen is for aquatic animals no longer in a seapark who cannot care for themselves. Tilikum would be able to recieve medical care and food if he cannot catch his own. It is a controlled sectioned off space in the ocean.

Extra Note: You can find my anti Seaworld page on Facebook under: "Empty The Tanks" like and share to spread the word

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