Justice for Mama

On June 24, 2012 Hume Hamilton was walking a dog past a business where Mama, the Spath/Fernandez's cat has lived for over 10 yrs. He walked the dog up the driveway where Mama spent most of her days relaxing and instigated his dog to attack and kill Mama.

On July 9, 2012, Hume Hamilton was arrested for the following charges:



Hume Hamilton is being held without bond.

On October 9th, Hume Hamilton was found GUILTY for Animal Cruelty and we would like to request the maximum sentence (5 years) for Hume Hamilton. 

Please sign in support of the maximum sentence (5 years) that Hume Hamilton should receive at his sentencing which will be in early November, 2012. 

Thank you,

Spath/Fernandez Family in Memory of Mama  

Dear __________,

The purpose of this petition and letter is to receive justice for what happened on June 24, 2012. Although nothing can bring back Mama, whom is missed very much by her family, our request would be to sentence Hume Hamilton the maximum sentence for the cruelty has has imposed on a helpless cat and the grief the family has had to endure because of his actions.

We appreciate the chance to be heard and most importantly, for justice to be served.

Thank you 

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