He Tried To Take Back the Dogs He Abused From the Animal Rescue

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Broward County Sheriff's Office

In a disturbing series of events, a Florida man was accused of horrifically abusing ten dogs, then brazenly attempting to reclaim them after they were rescued. The details of abuse are chilling. The poor dogs – including two puppies – were locked in a non-ventilated storage unit and found in cages crusted with feces with no food and contaminated water. 

Sign the petition to demand the Broward County Sheriff's Office ensure this man never gets near another animal again!

The abuser's attempt to reclaim the dogs shows a shocking disregard for their well-being. It is imperative that authorities act swiftly to prevent him from ever owning or having access to animals again.

We urge the Broward County Sheriff's Office to advocate for a lifetime ban on animal ownership for this individual. Join us in standing against cruelty and for the protection of vulnerable animals. 

Sign now to protect animals from future harm and to hold this abuser accountable for his actions!

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