Save Canadian Honey Bees from Deadly Pesticides!

Tens of Millions of Honeybees have already died as a result of the harmful neonicotinoid pesticides being used to grow corn in Canada and the United States. This pesticide has already been banned by the European Union because of the decline in the Honeybee population.

A Bee keeper in Elmwood, Ontario, Dave Schuit, has linked the deaths of millions of his Honeybees to the neonicotinoid pesticides, but the Canadian Federal Government has asked him to collect the dead bees bodies and prove that the deaths were due to the pesticides. Honey bees pollinate over 90 of the necessary crops in the human diet. Without them we would not have crops such as Apples, Broccoli, Nuts, Peaches, Strawberries and many others.  Help support Dave Schuit and other bee keepers to save the honey bee population that is greatly needed for Canadian produce! 

For More information consult these articles: 

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